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Can Museums Fight Back? A Glimpse of Inspiration from Ecomuseums

Writer: Tomislav S. ŠolaTomislav S. Šola

The ecomuseum is not a universally applicable model, nor a quick fix for contemporary museum practice. Rather, it represents a profound shift in the philosophy of heritage institutions, challenging conventional museum paradigms. Emerging from decades of theoretical reflection and evolving professional awareness, the ecomuseum redefines the relationship between museums and their communities. Unlike traditional museums, which often prioritize collections and scholarly interests, the ecomuseum places the community at its heart, fostering a dynamic, participatory, and socially committed institution.

At its core, the ecomuseum is rooted in the comprehensive identity of a place — encompassing its natural, cultural, and social heritage. This multidisciplinary approach sees heritage not as static artefacts but as a living resource for community self-knowledge and development. The museum’s function is not confined to a building, but extends across the entire territory, reflecting the community’s shared memory and identity. This territorial scope and holistic perspective make the ecomuseum a “museum without walls,” offering a model for integrating heritage into everyday life.

Crucially, the ecomuseum’s social mission goes beyond preservation, embracing education, dialogue, and social responsibility. It empowers communities to engage with their own heritage, promoting inclusive participation. The concept of “de-professionalisation” allows local residents — often amateur enthusiasts — to take on roles traditionally reserved for curators, blurring the lines between expert and layperson. This participatory model enhances social cohesion and ensures that the heritage remains a living, evolving entity.

The ecomuseum’s commitment to social issues challenges the neutrality often associated with museums. It acts as a forum for addressing contemporary dilemmas, from environmental degradation to political manipulation. Rather than retreating into the safety of objectivity, the ecomuseum assumes a cybernetic role — a self-regulating, community-centred institution actively shaping society’s present and future.

Despite its transformative potential, the ecomuseum remains widely misunderstood. The prefix “eco” has led to misidentifications with ecological or natural history museums, obscuring its broader social mission. Yet, as a model of integrated, community-driven heritage stewardship, the ecomuseum exemplifies how museums can become agents of societal renewal. In an era of globalisation and identity crises, this innovation offers a blueprint for museums to become active forces for cultural sustainability and democratic empowerment.

For the full article in my Vault click here.

As illustration to this slide and addition to the text “Can Museums Fight Back?” I have chosen a definition of ecomuseums as proposed by one of the three “inventors” of the concept; the idea got its term and contours in a train from Grenoble as I have heard Georges Henri Riviere recount the story in the late 1970s when I was his disciple at Sorbonne. I will try to publish an entire power-point lecture containing his definition.


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