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Mnemosophy, towards the definition

Tomislav S. Šola

Mnemosophy is a trans-disciplinary science of public memory, serving heritage profession, through which society studies and understands its past, its narratives formed through collective and social memory and moderates the continuous formation of public memory as the contents of the collective experience transfer.

This is how far I got in 2018 while shortening the definitions I have been working on (it is still proposed at my web-site

Trying to elaborate it for my students and audiences internationally, I have taken more a serious stance to prove its scientific-ness by claiming that it supports orthodox constructing as any science should allow. Any science is a whole made upon principles, theorems and postulates. In case of mnemosophy, the principles are probably more than just the fact of existence of public memory whether we admit it or no. It is also the factual presence of theory as any museology is by the nature of its wrong presumption (of a science based upon institution) trying to prove its relevance by creating a distinctive theoretical body. It necessarily transcends conventional museums as they, naturally, lose coherent stereotyping. Theorems, as general propositions, not so self-evident, - are therefore the existence of increasing variety of hybrid memory institutions, the need for the strategy as they form a memory system, the strive for the forms of standardisation and norms leading to professionalization. There is one theorem of increasing importance while being increasingly endangered, the non-profit nature of public memory. Finally, there are the postulates as basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief, like “3 C” nature of all public memory institutions (collecting, care, communication), their convergence, the same management and marketing. All three, principles, theorems and postulates are used for understanding of concept of heritage, of the institutions of public memory and other heritage practices, their communication and mission, and the role of memory in the social project.

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