Thirty years ago, at a ICOFOM conference in Paris I have proposed that we abandon museology and establish heritology. (It evolved later into mnemosophy as a public memory science). The matter was the content and use of theory, not the name. But, to be accepted, innovation must not be too radical (it was!) and arrive from an expected, credible source (it didn't!). If urged to change entire mind-set, museum community may reject the proponent (it did!). However, latter widening of museum concept and new co-operations made things evolve. But, the retrograde, neo-liberal context is obstructive to forming a new profession out of dismembered heritage sector: it may propose a usable future. I believe that some tacit, imperceptible reluctance, the inertia is there to deprive us from turning into a big public memory profession which would be a new partner to the state and other power holders. Instead, though a powerful force, the memory sector is ultimately dismembered and divided. The world in the need of its sublimated, compressed, well selected, synthesised and hyperlinked, collective experience, - has been given load of diversely conceived boxes, each containing pieces of puzzle that were never cut to match into an useful or meaningful knowledge, let alone a spiritual image.