Dedicated to Kenneth Hudson and Georges Henri Rivière
... Mnemosophy? Just upgrading the proposal of Heritology
as the Science of Public Memory - by Tomislav Šola
Tomislav Sladojević Šola
Tomislav Sladojević Šola was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1948. Until 2013 he was a Professor at the University of Zagreb in the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty. He studied Art History and English in Zagreb, and also studied Museology in both Zagreb and Paris. Šola has practical experience as a curator, director, editor, lecturer, consultant, and has also worked at several different international organisations in relation to his areas of expertise. After seven years of curatorship and another seven as a director of Museum Documentation Centre, Šola started his academic career. His main interests is the practice of heritage and especially its theory, for which he coined the terms “Heritology“and, later on, “Mnemosophy”.
He has attempted to highlight the integrity of heritage and the need for a strong, wide profession in the domain of public memory. The notion of Cybernetics as the core value of the theory as well as the practice of heritage is the proposal in many of his written texts. Though ample and diverse, much of his writings are on theory and marketing, on critique of museum practices and, increasingly examining the art of heritage communication and public memory. He has published several books on these issues. Throughout his career he has kept constant contact with the international community through his consultancies and participation in professional evaluation bodies.
After completing his degree in the History of Art at the University of Zagreb, where he also studied journalism and museology at postgraduate level, he started his museum career as a curator at what is today the Contemporary Art Museum in Zagreb.
While studying under Georges Henri Rivière at the Sorbonne in the late ’70, he worked in the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Documentation centre, and later became the director of the Museum Documentation Centre of Yugoslavia as well as editor-in-chief of the magazine "Informatica Museologica". In 1985 he received a Ph.D. in museology at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His dissertation was entitled: "Towards the Total Museum".[6] By 2012 it had been translated into Serbian and the original version was published by the Faculty of Philosophy in the University of Belgrade.
He has currently published nine books, written chapters for ten international academic books, as well as two Croatian books, and has had more than 200 articles published. His most influential books include: Essays on Museums and Their Theory - Towards The Cybernetic Museum (Helsinki, 1997); Marketing in Museums or About Virtue And How To Make It Known (Zagreb, 2001), Towards the Total Museum (Belgrade, 2011), Eternity Does Not Live Here Anymore (Zagreb, 2012) and Eternidade no ya vive aqui (Girona, Spain, 2012).
Šola has been honoured with several important positions within the international museum profession. These included the chairmanship of the National Committee of ICOM (where he organised three major ICOM conferences - ICOFOM, ICTOP and, with assistance, CIMAM), a seat on the Executive Council of ICOM, and board membership with ICOFOM/ICOM (International Committee of Museology). Until 2001 he was member of the jury of the European Museum of the Year Award (EMF/Council of Europe). Presently he is a member of the Advisory Editorial Board of "Museum International" (UNESCO), as well as a member of "Museum Practice" (Museums Association, UK) and the International Journal of Heritage Studies (UK).
He served as a member of the Advisory Board of the Association of Peace Museums, and was a member of the Steering Committee of MA, UK, which was established for the future of collecting. Until 2012, Šola served two terms as Chairman of the Association for Cultural Tourism at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. Currently, he is a member of the scientific committee at Institut del Patrimoni Cultural (Girona, Spain).
In 1987 Prof. Sola founded creative cooperative for cultural engineering "Synthesis"- with architect Zeljko Kovacic and designer Zeljko Borcic and later on in 1991 a company "Synthesis International d.o.o." for consultancies in heritage. Prof. Šola is also the founder of the NGO European Heritage Association, and in 2002 of "The Best in Heritage - Projects of Influence", the world’s only conference on awarded projects in museums, heritage and conservation, held annually in Dubrovnik. He also founded "The Best in Heritage Excellence Club" at “Exponatec”, Koelnmesse, Cologne.
Šola was awarded the International Concourse for the permanent post of senior curator in the National Museum of Denmark in 1999. This post involved handling internal assessment as well as training and organizing international events in the museum. As a consultant, he has worked on 12 national and international projects in countries including Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Serbia, England and Montenegro. He also elaborated approximately a dozen others. These included The Best in Heritage, Global Love Museum and The Bridges of Europe, which are still ongoing. He initiated and spent three years managing an International Summer School for Heritage Studies in Jyvaskyla, Finland. Šola regularly taught in Barcelona at Escuela Europea del Patrimonio and also in Finland; where he was a guest lecturer at the University of Ljubljana. He was also a guest lecturer at the University of Dubrovnik in Croatia, the University of Sarajevo in Bosnia, and in the Faculty of Philosophy in the University of Belgrade. In total, as an invited lecturer and conference speaker, he has lectured internationally for approximately 300 hours.
In 1982 professor Šola proposes the phrase "Heritology" to describe the convergence of museum and heritage related professions into one mega-profession in spe and its associated scientific discipline.[9] In 1989 he developed this concept further and, addressing issues of public memory institutions and processes, proposed the term "Mnemosophy" which he describes as "Cybernetic philosophy of heritage", a sort of „general theory of heritage...which includes at least five informational sciences: librarianship, archivistics, ,museography, encyclopedisctics and documentalistic.".[10][11] Institutions and studies in Ljubljana, Jyvaskyla and Belgrade are using these neologisms as their title and teaching.
At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Professor Šola has been the head the postgraduate study of Museology, as well as the head of the Chair of Museology and Heritage Management, and Head of Department of Information Sciences. In the last years of his university career he was teaching several subjects (Heritage institutions, General Theory of Heritage, Heritage Management, Heritage Marketing, Heritage and Development, Heritage Tourism). During his university career he was a guest lecturer at Art University in Belgrade, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, University of Warwick in England, European University in Budapest and some other universities (Barcelona, Jyvaskyla, Tartu, Varanasi, Umea, Brno, Granada...) sometimes with a single lecture at other times more or even regularly during some years. He was Chairman of the EU/Europa Nostra Award in the category of Education, Training and Awareness-Raising and was until 2018 a Council member of Europa Nostra.
After 2015, and the book “Mnemosophy, an essay on the science of public memory”(published also in Russian) this CV page will not be supplemented with detailed information upon my career. Since then, I have kept lecturing internationally (Spain, Latvia, Russia, Portugal, Serbia, China, Norway, Slovenia) and attending to the international obligations of the Best in Heritage Conference (presentations/lectures in Germany, China). I have also done occasional consultancies (Spain, Croatia, Serbia, Russia, Slovenia).
The world changed and not for the better, - making public memory institutions both more important in society and more endangered in their mission. It comes naturally that seniors contribute less. I take part in some on-line events or write occasional texts, as ever, also published on the Internet (academia.edu/TomislavSola). I have continued with experimental projects while some remain as wishes or get even deeper archived.
My next book(s) will be shorter, written again originally in Globish (as, alas, this entire site is). If published by EHA it will again be in a limited edition of numbered and signed copies; I never contact great publishers whose rightful requirements, I would have difficulties to meet. Being my starting academic discipline, the history of art (as the way of understanding creativity) is likely to become, in many ways, the concluding one as well.
Since the last regular entries in my CV, I have done some consultative jobs (the biggest was the re-conceptualisation of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade), and an exhibition of Global Love Museum (also in Belgrade) etc. I have occasionally added to mnemosophy.com, to independent.academia.edu and a column in Croatian at autograf.hr.
Among the lectures, only those delivered in China, in September 2023, at Shanghai University and Ninth Nishan Forum of World Civilizations in Qufu, - are worth mentioning.
The Best in Heritage Conference is a simple and noble project unifying the heritage sector and building a common profession. It will survive its present digital version after being harmed by COVID-19 and changing local circumstances by remaining global, unique and by regaining its in-person format.
(listed in the original language of each communication)
Scientific monographs and books
Antimuzej: bibliofilsko izdanje. Zagreb: Zbirka Biškupić, 1985.
Lacković. Beograd: Jugoslovenska knjiga, 1986. pp.119 (an art monograph)
Role of museums in developing countries. Varanasi: Bharat Kala Bhavan Hindu University, 1989. pp. 24
Essays On Museums And Their Theory: towards the cybernetic museum. Helsinki: Finnish Museums Association, 1997. pp. 293.
Marketing u muzejima ili o vrlini i kako je obznaniti. Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzejsko društvo, 2001. Str. 322.
Marketing u muzejima ili o vrlini i kako je obznaniti. Beograd: Clio, 2002. Str. 380.
Eseji o muzejima i njihovoj teoriji-prema kibernetičkom muzeju. Zagreb: Hrvatski nacionalni komitet ICOM, 2003. Str. 350.
De la vanitat a la saviesa / From Vanity to Wisdom // Institu Catala de Recercs en Patrimoni Cultural, Girona, 2009, pp. 1–71
Prema totalnom muzeju. Beograd, 2011, Centar za muzeologiju i heritologiju
Eternity does not live here any more - a glossary of museum sins, Zagreb, 2012
Вечность здесь больше не живет: толковый словарь музейных грехов. — Тула: Музей-усадьба Л.Н.Толстого «Ясная Поляна», 2013. – 356 с.
Javno pamćenje, čuvanje različitosti i mogući projekti. Zavod za Informacijske znanosti. Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, 2014
Šola, Tomislav S. Mnemosopy. Essay on the science of public memory. EUB, Zagreb, 2015. 320 p.
Шола Т.С. Мнемософия. Эссе о науке публичной памяти. /Пер. с англ. Синицыной О.В./. Ростов Великий ИКОМ России; ГМЗ «Ростовский кремль» 2017г. 320 с.
Chapters in books
The Museum Curator: endangered species. // Museums 2000 / ed. by Patrick Boylan. London : Association Routledge, 1990. pp. 152–164.
Museums and Curatorship: the role of theory // The Museum Profession/ ed. by Gaynor Kavanagh. Leicester : Leicester University Press,1991. pp. 125 – 137
The European Dream and Reality of Museums: a report from South-East. // Museums and Europe 1992 / ed. by Susan Pearce. London : The Athlone Press, 1992. pp. 159–173.
Museums, museology, and ethics: a changing paradigm// Museum Ethics/ ed. by Gary Edson. London: Routledge, 1997. pp. 168 – 175.
The role of Museums in Sustaining Cultural Diversity // Cultural Traditions in Northern Ireland: cultural diversity in contemporary Europe./ ed. by maurna Crozier and Richard Froggat. Belfast: The Institute of Irish Studies, 1997. pp. 107 – 113
Redefining collecting // Museums and the future of Collecting (Second Edition) / ed. by Simon J. Knell. Ashgate Publishing Limited: Aldershot. 2004. pp. 250–260.
The importance of being wise or could "Museum archaeology" help us be better professionals // Archeologia del museo / Lenzi, Fiamma ; Zifferero, Andrea (ed.). Bologna : Editrice Compositori, 2004. pp. 11–16.
Baština kao poziv i društveno opredjeljenje // Ivi Maroeviću baštinici u spomen / Vujić, Žarka ; Špikić, Marko (ed.), Zagreb : Zavod za informacijske studije Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2009. Str. 111-138.
Towards the Total Museum/ Museums in a Digital Age / Parry, Ross (ed.)London : Routledge, 2009. pp. 421–426.
The Museum Definition: Questioning the Scope and Motives // What is a museum? / Davis, A ; Mairesse, F ; Desvallees, A. (ed.). Muenchen : Verlag Dr. C.Mueller-Straten, 2010. pp. 106–112.
European Collection Resources - museums serving European identity // Encouraging Collections Mobility - A way forward for museums in Europe / Pettersson, Susanna (ur.) Helsinki, Finska : Finnish National Gallery, 2010. pp. 248–257.
Virtues and Qualities - a contribution to professionalizing the heritage profession // The Best in Heritage / Šola, Tomislav (ed.) Zagreb : European Heritage Association, 2011. pp. 10–21.
Uloga baštinskih institucija u građenju nacionalnog identiteta // Hrvatski identitet / Horvat, Romana (ed.). Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2011. Str. 255-285.
The heritage product as suggested by a marketing approach // Sketches and essays to mark twenty years of the International Cultural Centre / Purchla, Jacek (ed.). Kraków : International Cultural Centre, 2011. pp. 460–470.
Mnemosophy - The Art of Public Memory, Zagreb, 2016
Scientific papers in proceedings
The future of Museums and the Role of Museology // Museum management and Curatorship. Oxford: Butterworth and Heinemann, 1992, 11, Str. 393 - 400.
What is Museology? // Papers in Museology: Local and Global. Umea: Acta Universitatis Umensis. Department of Museology, Umea University, 1992. pp. 10 – 19.
The Role of Museums in Society // The Role of Museums in Society / izdavač Israeli National Committee of ICOM, časopis Museum Education / ed. CECA-ICOM, Haifa: 1993. pp. 7 – 21
How Museology Perceives Technology. // Information Technology and Heritage - The Future for Europe's Past. / ed. Terry Stevens. Swansea: Commett Programme, University of Swansea, 1996 . pp. 131–138
Beyond the sharing of Knowledge: an introduction to quality in museums // Joint Annual Conference "Sharing of Knowledge. Canadian Museums Association & Societe des Musees Québécois : Montreal, 1996
The Kiss of Mnemosyne. // Museology and Memory / ed. Mathilde Bellaigue. ICOFOM Study Series, No. 27, Paris : ICOFOM, 1997. pp. 263–268.
Can theory help and be proactive?// Museology for Tomorrow's World: proceedings of the international Symposium./ ed. by Zbynek S. Stransky. Munich: Verlag Dr. Christian Mueler Straten, 1997. pp. 38 – 47.
The role of museums in sustaining cultural diversity// Cultural Traditions in Northern Ireland: cultural diversity in Contemporary Europe./ ed. by Maurna Crozier and Richard Froggat. Belfast : The Institute of Irish Studies, 1997. pp. 107 – 113.
Collecting today for tomorrow. // Collecting today for tomorrow / ICOFOM Study Series / ed. Vinos Sofka. No. 6, Stockholm, 1998 . str. 60-69
On the nature of the museum object. Introductory reflections to the topic // Originals and Substitutes in Museums / ICOFOM Study Series / ed. Vinos Sofka. No. 9 Stockholm: ICOFOM, 1998. pp. 79–86
The Limited Reach of Museology // Museology and developing countries: help or manipulation?/ ICOFOM Study Series/ ed. Vinos Sofka. No. 12, Stockholm: ICOFOM, 1998. pp. 80–89
Museums and their future // Museology and futurology – Forecasting as museological tool / ICOFOM Study Series / ed. Vinos Sofka. No.16. Stockholm: ICOFOM, 1998. pp. 68–80
L'inovazione degli ecomusei e i musei di tradizione // Musei per l'ambiente / Cecchini, Folco ed. Argenta: Comune di Argenta et alia. 1999, pp. 20–23.
Comunitat, l'element basic del museu territorial o com poden els museus servir millor la comunitat // Actes del 2. Congres Catala de Museus Locals i Comarcals / Alcade, Gabriel ed. Arbucies: Museu Etnologic del Montseny et alia, 1999, pp. 21–29.
Baštinske ustanove na razmedju: ili gdje je granica izmedju prvog muzeja i njegove zabavljačke inačice?//Ahivi, knjižnice, muzeji. Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture / uredile Mirna Viler, Tinka Katić. Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzejsko društvo, 2000. Str. 24- 31.
Što stručnjaci moraju? // Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji. Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture / uredile Mirna Viler, Tinka Katić. Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzejsko društvo, 2000. Str. 107-111.
Prilog reformi nacionalnih muzeja ili pledoaje za hrvatski nacionalni muzej// uredila Višnja Zgaga. Muzeologija br.37, Zagreb: Muzejski dokumentacijski centar, 2000. Str. 120-128.
Poslanje muzeja ili: što će nam muzeji. // Arhivi, knjižnice i muzeji. Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture / uredile Mirna Viler, Tinka Katić. Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2001. Str. 11-22.
Can Theory Bring the Professional Prosperity ? // Museology Towards the 21st Century: Theory and Practice - International Symposium Proceedings / Scaltsa, Matoula (Ed.)/ Thessaloniki, Ministry of Culture - ICOM-Hellenic National Committee, 2001. pp. 165–167.
A Contribution to Understanding of Museums: Why Would the Museums Count? // MESS, Mediterranean Ethnological Summer School, Vol. 4 / Bojan Baskar and Irena Weber (Eds.) / Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, 2002. pp. 199–209.
Opća teorija baštine ili prolog za heritologiju // II simpozij etnologa konzervatora Hrvatske i Slovenije - Zaštita i očuvanje tradicijske kulturne baštine / Mlinar, Ana (ur.). Zagreb : Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, Konzervatorski odjel, 2003. Str. 261-276
Muzejska prodajalna // Spominki, muzej, turizem / Kastelic, Ivan (ur.)Brežice : Posavski muzej Brežice, 2003. Str. 33-38
Can theory of Heritage help peace? // Museums for Peace: A Contribution to Remembrance, Reconciliation, Art and Peace / Gernika-Lumo : Fundacion Museo de la paz de Gernika, 2006. pp. 360–365.
Heritage and human development // International Conference publication: Heritage 2008, World Heritage and Sustainable development / Green Lines Institute, Porto, 2008. pp. 11–19.
Museums and potentials for development of traditional crafts // International Conference Proceeding: Traditional crafts - a challenge for cultural tourism / Donja Stubica, 2008. pp. 28–33.
El octavio arte: consideraciones sobre la comunicacion de la memoria publica. 6 Encuentro Internacional Actualidad en museografia, ICOM Espana, Bilbao, 17-20. 06. 2010. pp. 171–196
Industrijska baština za društveni razvoj // III Međunarodna konferencija o industrijskoj baštini pod motom: Rijeka, povijestno prometno raskršće Mediterana i Europe, Pro Torpedo, Rijeka, 2010., str. 31 - 54
Scientific contributions in magazines / Znanstveni radovi u časopisima:
Prezentacija muzejskih premeta u suvremenoj muzejskoj ustanovi. // Naše teme (1980), str. 641-649.
Sadašnjost kao muzeološka tema za budućnost. // Informatica Museologica. god.12 br. 3/4 (1981), 57-63
Disneyland kao prilog muzeološkom iskustvu. // Informatica Museologica. God. 12, br. 3/4 (1981) str 33-44.
Programiranje ili improviziranje. // Informatica Museologica. God. 13, br. 1/2 (1982), str. 4-8
Prema suvremenoj koncepciji muzeologije. // Informatologia Yugoslavica. Br.15 (1983), str. 10-16
Prilog mogućoj definiciji muzeologije. // Informatica Museologica. God. 15, br.1-3 (1984), str. 8-10
Odgojna uloga muzeja. // Argo. XXV (1986), str. 86-92
The concept and nature of museology. // Museum. No. 153 (1987), str. 45-49
From Education to Communication. // ICOM News. Vol.40, No. 3-4 (1988), str. 7-10.
Ususret tehnološkoj budućnosti. // Informatica Museologica. God. 19, br. 3/4 (1988), str. 19-22
Ekomuzej Blaca. // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske. br. 3/4, (1990), str. 21 – 24
Muzejski centri: doprinos djelotvornosti muzeja. // Arheo. 13 (1991), str. 11-13.
The future of museums and the role of Museology. // Museum management and curatorship. Oxford: Butterworth and Heinemann, br. 11, (1992), str. 393-400
Od publike do korisnika (I dio) // Informatica Museologica. 28,1-4 (1997), str.18-22
Od publike do korisnika (II dio)// Informatica Museologica. 29,3-4 (1998), str. 86-90
To collect or not: that is the question! Towards the re-definition of collecting.// Museum Aktuell. Prosinac 52 (1999), str. 2046-2052.
Bridges: a museum for a globalizing world // Museum International. 1 (2001), str. 57–60.
La teoria general de patrimoni // Aixa - Revista bianual del Museu Etnològic del Montseny, la Gabella, Arbúcies: Museu Etnològic del Montseny, La Gabella, 2001. str. 15-30
Marketing i muzejsko izdavaštvo. // Informatica museologica. 33 (2002), (1-2); Str. 61-66
Kako sagraditi uspješan muzej, ili pledoaje za zajedništvo. // Informatica museologica. 34 (2003), 3-4; Str. 74-80
What Theory, What Heritage?. // Nordisk Museologie. 2 (2005); Str. 3-16
¿Será el museo Capaz de defenderse? Una mirada sobre la inspiracion el ecomuseo / /Filosofia y tiplogia de los museos locales // mus-A Revista de los Museos de Andalucía No.8 Julio 2007, pp. 30–39.
Papers in professional magazines / Radovi u strukovnim časopisima:
Muzej kao potreba čovjeka i društva. // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske. br. 4 (1979), str. 32-37.
Suvremena koncepcija muzeja i galerija. // Muzejski vjesnik, god.4, br. 4 (1981), str. 4-6
Musée d'Orsay. // Informatica Museologica. god 13, br. 1/2 (1982), str 9-13
Razgovor s direktorom Musee d’Orsay. // Informatica Museologica. god 13, br. 1-2 (1982), str 14-17
U novom mandatnom razdoblju - s prijašnjim teškoćama. // Informatica Museologica. god. 13, 1/2 (1982), str. 41
52. Sjednica Izvršnog savjeta ICOM-a. // Informatica Museologica, God. 13, br. 3/4 (1982), str. 42-43
Louvre nauke, tehnologije i industrije – Nacionalni muzej nauke, tehnologije i industrije – La Villette. // Informatica Museologica. God.13, 3/4 (1982), str. 13-19
Accreditation. // Informatica Museologica. God.13, 3/4 (1982), str. 25
Razgovor s Antunom Bauerom. // Informatica Museologica. God. 14, br.1/2 (1983), str. 7-10
Zajedništvo: moguća magična formula ili floskula: u povodu jugoslavenskog savjetovanja koje je organizirao JNK ICOM-a i Muzejski dokumentacioni centar iz Zagreba. // Informatica Muselogica. God. 14, br. 3/4, (1983), str. 35-36
Muzejski radnici svijeta na okupu: 13. Generalna konferencija ICOM-a u Londonu. // Informatica Museologica. God. 141-2, (1983), str. 40-41
Razgovor s Idom Panicelli, kustosom Nacionalne galerije moderne umjetnosti u Rimu // Informatica Museologica. God. 14, br. 3/4 (1983), str. 22-23
Muzejski radnici svijeta na okupu. // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske. Br. 3 (1983), str. 9
In Memoriam - Zdenka Munk. // Informatica Museologica. God. 15, br. 4, (1984), str.36 -37
Članska politika ICOM-a prema dokumentu ICOM-a 83-EX18.rev., od siječnja 1983. // Informatica Museologica. God.15, br. 1/3 (1984), str. 54
Mreža muzeja: odgovor vremenu i stručnim potrebama. // Informatica Museologica. God. 16, br. 1/2, (1985), str. 2- 3
Georges Henri Riviere - In Memoriam. // Informatica Museologica. God.16, br. 3/4 (1985), str. 32-33
Medjunarodni muzeološki seminar. // Informatica Museologica. God. 16, br. 1/2, (1985), str. 41-42
Originali i nadomjesci, muzej - riznica ili medij: u povodu simpozija ICOFOM-a u Zagrebu.// Informatica Museologica. God. 16, br. 3/4, (1985), str. 30-31
Muzejska djelatnost, - stanje i projekcije. // Godišnjak zavoda za kulturu Hrvatske. (1986), str..18-23
Kratak pregled novih muzejskih projekata u Parizu. // Čovjek i prostor. Br. 1 (1986), str. 15-18.
Izložba kao komunikacijski medij - ili pohvala privremenoj arhitekturi. // Čovjek i prostor. Br. 1 (1987), str. 15
Identidade : reflexoes sobre um problema crucial para los museus. // Cadernos Museologicos. 1 (1989), str. 25-28
Kanadski muzej budućnosti. // Informatica Museologica. God. 21, br. 1/2, (1990), str. 48 -52
Muzejski sajam u Parizu. // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske. br. 1/2, (1990), str. 15-16
Museot nyky-yhteiskunnassa. // Museo. 2 (1991), str. 2-5.
Sajam taštine : u povodu Međunarodnog salona muzeja i izložbi, Paris, Grand Palais. // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske. 1-4 (1991), str. 51-52.
Museum fist in a velvet glove. // Museum. 44, 3 (1992), str. 183-184.
Dinosaurios y pinturas. // Museum, 44, 4 (1992), str. 249-250.
Taidemuseot kasvattajina? // Museo. 4 (1993), str. 2-5.
Prema zreloj profesiji: u povodu izlaska knjige Dr. Ive Maroevića “Uvod u mueologiju” Informatica Muzeologica. god 24 br. ¼ (1993), str 160 - 161
Museums between the war and peace. // De Museus. 1-2 (1993), str. 17-20.
Zbiram - torej sem. // Argo. 35 (1993), str. 78-80.
Pabirci s muzeologovog stola // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske. 1-4 (1999), str. 57-63
Paris – noch eine Metropole? Traurige Bermerkungen eines leidenschaftlichen Museumsbesuhers. //Museum Aktuel. 59 (2000.), str. 2343-2345.
Is Guggenheim Bilbao really the best?. // Museum Aktuell. 60 (2000); Str. 2422-2424
Kenneth Hudson: guru koji je morao otići // Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora Hrvatske.1/2 (2000), str 47-49.
Why Guggenheim Bilbao received the EMYA// Museum Aktuell. 63 (2000.), str. 2554-2556.
{{lang||Smisel in vsebina razstav o dediščini ali izdelek kot vpliv // Mala šola muzeologije 2003 / Esih, Katja ; Roženberger Šega, Tanja ; Zupanc, Adrijana (ur.). Celje : Regijsko študijsko središče celje, 2003. Str. 34-39.}}
The Best in Heritage - The 4th annual presentation of awarded projects in museum, heritage and conservation // Museum Aktuell, April 2005 (2005), str. 31-32.
Excellence Club - creme de la creme in heritage professions / Excellence Club Exponatec Cologne / Munich: Verlag Christian Muller-Straten, 2006.
Museums in Croatia - a brief review // Museum Aktuell, April 2008 (2008), pp. 10–13.
Muzej za zajednicu (nekoliko bilješki). // Glas Gradskog muzeja Karlovac. VII (2008) ; 80-13-80-15
Articles in popular magazines and newspapers / Članci u popularnim časopisima i novinama'''
Jugo-tragedija. // Studenstki list. 18 (1970). Str. 4.
Dođoh, vidjeh, otiđoh. // Studentski list. Br. 14-15 (1970). Str. 7.
Naivno razočarenje: u povodu izložbe francuskih naivaca // Studentski list. Br. 3 (1970). Str. 7.
Čudan sastav u "Biafri": u povodu izložbe u ateljeu "Biafra". // Studentski list. Br. 19 (1970). Str. 10.
See New York the Student way. // Studentski list. Br. 19 (1970). Str. 10.
Minhenski krug: Die Croatische Schule. // 15 Dana. Br. 1-2 (1973), str. 10-15.
Matija Skurjeni. // 15 Dana. Br. 4-5 (1977), str. 6-11.
Prijedlog. // Oko. (1. - 15. 06.1978.).str. 12.
Dvije izložbe fotografija. // Oko (5-19.9.1979). Str. 12
Bogatstvo gotike: stoljeće Karla V. // Oko. (29.9-12.10.1979). Str. 13.
Priča sa zapadne strane. // Oko. (12.-26.10.1979.). str. 12.
Audio-vizualna sradstva. U povodu sajma audio-vizualne opreme u Parizu. // Oko. (19.05.1979) str. 12.
Korak dublje prema budućnosti: u povodu projekta Les Halles u Parizu. // Oko. (31.05-14.06. 1979.) str. 12-13.
Fotografije u Galeriji Denise Rene: Judith Turner. // Oko. (7 -22.04.1979). Str. 14.
Pismo iz Pariza: Kako zatvoriti Pandorinu kutiju? // Oko. (12-27.03.1979). Str. 12
Ipak se kreće. // Oko. (1-15. 05. 1980.). Str. 12
Futurologija ili stvarnost. // Oko. (20.3.-3.4. 1980). Str. 15
Živi mrtvi muzej. // Oko. (8-22. 01. 1981.). Str 10
Obaveza na život, - u povodu izložbe "Masovna kultura" (u Gemeentesmuseum, Haag, Nizozemska), // Oko. (16. - 30. 04. 1981.). str. 11
Totalna slika - put do potpune komunikacije. // Oko. (30.4. - 14.5.1981). str. 12
Šok idile ili zašto je Disneyland baš u Americi? // Oko. (15.-21.10.1981.). str. 12
Građenje kulturnog prestiža. // Oko. (1.-15. 04.1982.), str. 19
Ne znamo ili ne želimo znati? // Vjesnik. (20. 4. 1982.). str. 17
Muzeji kao izdavači, - Interliber 82. // Vjesnik. (24.4.1982.). str. 15
Čuvari identiteta,- uz međunarodni dan muzeja. // Vjesnik. (18.5.1982.). str. 16
Bojažljivo preko praga. // Danas. (20.5.1982.). str. 13-15
Muzeji su potrebe: u povodu obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana muzeja. // Oko. (9-23. lipnja 1983.). str. 12
Šetnja kroz ideje i povijest. // Oko. (8 - 22. 11.1984). Str. 15.
Vjenčanje hotelijera i muze: i kulturna ponuda je dio "opskrbe" koju treba osigurati.. // Danas. 10.1.1984.) str. 19
Ambijent pokretne slike. // Danas. 134 (11.9.1984). str. 21
Svjetski sajam muzeja. // Start. 357 (1985). Str. 21-23.
Originali ili nadomjesci. // Oko. (1-15.11.1985). Str. 21
Propis danas, propis sutra: je li vrhunski domet naše kreativnosti - zdrava neorganiziranost. // Oko. (3. - 17. 01.1985). Str. 18
Put u raj. // Vjesnik. (1.03.1986.). str. 13
Sablasna realnost holografije. // Vjesnik. (4.10.1986.). str 15
Rizik namještenog smiješka - Identitet turizma ili turizam identiteta. (Oko. 21.11.-5.12.1986), str 7
Valjda je neznanje posrijedi. // Vjesnik. 13.11.1986.). str. 15
Poziv na uzbunu. // Samoupravna kultura. (1987.). str. 18
Zanemaren medij utjecaja. // Vjesnik. (14.11.1987.).str. 17
Naivna umjetnost ludbreškog kraja. //Zbornik Ludbrega. Ludbreg: Općina Ludbreg, 1987. Str. 256-267.
Iskušenje identiteta. // Oko. (11.-25.2.1988.). str. 18
Ezoterijsko druženje s predmetima. // Studentski list. 8 (9.3.1988)
Prvi bal. // Start. (15.3.1988)
Café "Endy". // Vjesnik, 21. 05.1988
Knez Branimir - mit ili čovjek. // Vjesnik, (23. 6. 1988.). str 18
Muzej brodske katastrofe. // Start. 507 (25.6.1988.). str. 19
Pariz: projekt "Veliki Louvre". // Vjesnik. 522 (2.7.1988.). str. str. 13
30 sekundi pred izloškom. // Vjesnik, (12. 9. 1988.). Str. 9
Grand Louvre: Francuski korak slave. // Start. 513 (17.9.1988). str. 9-12
Zašto su leptiri šareni? // Vjesnik. (29.10.1989.). str 15
Poncije se vratio u Kerestinec. // Vjesnik. (1990.), str. 18
Hugo Wolf ponovo med Slovenci. // Dnevnik, 2. lipanj 1990. Str. 15
Svijet se brani muzejima. // Vjesnik. (2.6.1990.). Str. 15
Svjedočanstva o eksodusu. // Vjesnik. (21.7.1990) str. 12
Ik moet mijn idealen zien te heroveren. // Van Mens Tot Mens. Den Haag, 1993. Str. 17
Paradoksi iza dimne zavjese: U povodu osamostaljenja Galerije primitivne umjetnosti. // Danas. (28.3.1994). str. 28
Što čekamo? // Baul. 1, svibanj 1995. Str. 25-33
Europski muzej godine // Kontura. 64-65 (2000), str. 64 - 70
Ministarstvo nade // Zarez. 3, 52 (2001), str. 5
Crnog Gori treba vjerodostojnost // Pobjeda, 16. lipanj 2005/ str. 3.
Jadran nije jednostavna činjenica // Novi list, 6. studeni 2005 / str. 20-21.
Brand kao pokret - kriterij za hrvatski patriotizam 21. stoljeća // Večernji list 5. srpanj 2006 /
Što je kulturni turizam // Restorani i hoteli, srpanj/kolovoz 2006 / str. 54-55.
Texts in art exhibition catalogues / Stručni tekstovi u katalozima izložbi
Ivan i Josip Generalić // Katalog zajedničke izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1976.
Ivica Propadalo// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Haag : Galerija "M", 1976.
Sava Sekulić.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1977.
Matija Skurjeni //Besplatni letak za posjetitelje u prilici samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1977.
Ivan Lacković Croata: izložba grafike.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1977.
Ivan Lacković: grafički listovi 1963-1977.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1978.
Franciska Petelinšek.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1978.
Petar Smajić.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti,
Leon Marino// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Milano : Art Gallery, 1978.
Zlata i Jože Volarič.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1978.
Ilija Šarac. // Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti
Josip Generalić.// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Trst : Galeria del Arte, 1978.
Naivna umjetnost Bosne i Hercegovine// Katalog izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1978.
Miroslav Delač// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Haag : Galerija "M", 1979.
Krešimir Trumbetaš// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1979.
Ivica Propadalo// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Banja Luka : Gradska galerija, 1979.
Eugen Buktenica//Katalog samostalne izložbe. Milano : Art Gallery,1980.
Ivan i Josip Generalić// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Essen : Galerie Hammer,1980.
Drago Jurak// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Den Haag : Galerija "M",1980.
Zdravko Gržičić// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Društvo arhitekata Hrvatske : Zagreb, 1981.
Nada Vukres//Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija društva naivnih umjetnika Hrvatske, 1984.
Galerija naivnih umjetnika u Hlebinama: u povodu 20 godina postojanja// Katalog jubilarne izložbe. Zagreb: Galerija Hlebine, 1988.
Velimir Trnski// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija Kaptol, 1988.
Tomo Kralj// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb: Galerije grada zagreba, 1988.
Jiri Anderle// Katalog samostalne izložbe. Zagreb : Galerija Kaptol, 1989.
Mladen Veža. Tekst u katalogu samostalne izložbe crteža. Zagreb : Galerija Palainovka, 1996.
Srečanje s kapelskim muzejem// Tekst o smislu i zadacima muzeja u katalogu izložbe. Kapele : Krajevna skupnost,1998.
Unpublished works
Marco Polo po drugi put među azijatima. Kritički osvrt na časopis "Priroda", 1980Maroko: Al Mamlakat al Magrebia. Putopis. 1972
Josip Generalić. Tekst kataloga samostalne izložbe. 1976.
Ivan Generalić. 1977.
Ivan Generalić: umjetnička biografija, 1977.
Matija Skurjeni. 1977.
Uloga muzejsko-galerijskih ustanova u novom reformiranom obrazovnom sistemu.// Tekst pročitan na savjetovanju sindikata kulture, 1978.
Obrada jedinicea za Bio-bibliografski leksikon Hrvatske: A. Bahunek, I. i M. Čaće, M. Brusić-Kovačica, E. Buktenica. Zagreb, 1979.
Muzej u nas, danas i sutra.// Pisano za strukovnu raspravu u USIZ-u kulture Grada Zagreba, 1979.
Muzejska kritika kao prilog reformiranom muzeju, 1979.
Iz pariškog likovnog života//Tekst emisije emitirane na Radio Zagreb-u, 14.2.1979.
Muzeji: stanje i potrebe.//Tekst pisan kao podloga za raspravu u USIZ-u kulture, Zagreb, 1979.
Muzejska djelatnost: stanje, problemi i prijedlozi //Materijal za raspravu Gradske konferencije SKH . 1980. Str. 15.
Suvremeni problemi muzeja. Autorizirani tekst s Okruglog stola u Galeriji Koprivnica. 1980.
Švedska naivna umjetnost.// Tekst namijenjen za knjigu "Naivna umjetnost svijeta". Zagreb : Spektar, Zagreb, 1980.
Naivna umjetnost u Južnoj Americi. Tekst namijenjen za knjigu "Naivna umjetnost svijeta". Zagreb : Spektar, 1980.
Švicarska naivna umjetnost.// Tekst namijenjen za knjigu "Naivna umjetnost svijeta". Zagreb : Spektar, 1980.
Naivna umjetnost u Izraelu.// Tekst namijenjen za knjigu "Naivna umjetnost svijeta". Zagreb : Spektar, 1980.
Belgijska naivna umjetnost. // Tekst namijenjen za knjigu "Naivna umjetnost svijeta". Zagreb : Spektar, 1980.
Austrijska naivna umjetnost.// Tekst namijenjen za knjigu "Naivna umjetnost svijeta". Zagreb : Spektar, 1980.
Kulturna akcija muzeja.// U povodu prve organizirane akcije muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra u povodu Dana muzeja, 1982.
Umjetnost na razmeđima (o naivnoj umjetnosti). 1983.
Zavodljiva vizija tehnologije. 1983.
Izložbena renesansa. 1983.
Javno djelovanje muzeja.// Tekst za savjetovanje pod istim naslovom u Novom Sadu. 1985.
O naivnoj umjetnosti i njenim umjetnicima.// Tekst za publikaciju Galerije naivne umetnosti Svetozarevo. 1985.
Muzeji //Prilog XVIII ljetnoj školi andragoga u Crikvenici. 1985.
Baština kao simbol moći.// Prilog za emisiju "Govorimo o kulturi", Radio Zagreb. emitirano 5.12. 1985.
Museums today.// Tekst za publikaciju muzeja u Recklinghausenu, 1985. (stručni rad).
Muzejski prostor: problemi i mogućnosti. 1985.
Muzeji, položaj i potrebe.//Tekst referata održanog na III Skupštini sindikata radnika u odgoju, obrazovanju i kulturi Hrvatske. Zagreb, 1986.
Ferdinand Kulmer// Tekst pročitan na skupu u povodu samostalne izložbe umjetnika. Karlovac : Zorin dom, 1986.
Društvo i muzeji: problemi profesije.// Tekst pročitan na kongresu SDMRJ, u Novom Sadu pod naslovom "Društvo i muzeji". Novi Sad, 1987.
Skulptura u naivnoj umjetnosti. 1987.
Museum documentation centre in Zagreb.// Tekst pročitan na seminaru ICOFOM-a, u Rikstutsalningar, Stockholm, Švedska, 1987.
Kratka analiza djelatnosti muzeja u Hrvatskoj// Materijal naručen kao podloga za raspravu o kulturi u CK SKH (Mladen Žuvela), 1987.
Development of Tourism and Conservation of Cultural Resources. Madrid/Guadalupe. moderation of the session: Tourist Development and Conservation of Cultural resources // European Meeting on Culture, Leisure and Tourism, Ministry of Culture 1994.
The thoughts from back home. Historiska Museet i Nordiska Museet// trodnevni međunarodni seminar deset pozvanih eksperata sa zadatkom vrednovanja nacionalnog projekta/izložbe "The Quest for Swedish History". Stockholm, 1994.
Beyond the sharing of Knowledge: an introduction to quality in museums // Joint Annual Conference "Sharing of Knowledge. Canadian Museums Association & Societe des Musees Quebecois : Montreal, 1996.
Quest for quality – or the bottom line where theory and practice meet, 1998.
Towards the space of art (pisano po narudžbi Museum of Fine Arts in Jyvaskyla), 1999.
In the name of combative good or fighting for the common cause in Ljubljana, 1999.
Zašto etnografski muzeji moraju biti bolji? Referat na savjetovanju u povodu obljetnice osnivanja. Zagreb : Etnografski muzej, 1999.
Struktura idealnog plana razvoja muzeja unutar potrebne strategije kulturnog razvitka Hrvatske za prvu dekadu 21. stoljeća. 2001.
Kako je planirano, a kako ne bi trebalo biti: primjedbe na odjeljak "Muzeji", u dokumentu "Hrvatska u 21 stoljeću - Strategija kulturnog razvitka". 2001.
The general theory of heritage. Tekst za knjigu o novoj muzeologiji (ed. Josep Mauel Rueda), Arbucies, Španjolska 2001.
Contributions at international conferences(only major ones where the contribution has not been published)
Kako iskoristiti baštinu i tradiciju u stvaranju modernog brenda? // Brendiranje destinacija kao novi iskorak u turizmu/ Kupres, BiH, 2010.
Heritage or the art of bridges maintenance // International Conference on Intangible Heritage/ Pico Island, Portugal, 2009.
Theory on Museum Marketing and Communication // Imatge i comunicacio museus i altres experiencies / Tarragona, Španjolska, 2009.
A View upon Professional Excellence // Prix des Musees/ Bruxelles, Belgija, 2009.
Baština kao poziv i društveno opredjeljenje // Prvi kongres muzealaca Hrvatske / Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2008.
The End of Museum Age - Notes on a New Profession // Seminaris de l'Institut de Patrimoni Cultural / Girona, Španjolska, 2008.
Značaj i upotrebljivost odnosa s javnošću u baštinskom sektoru // Odnosi s javnošću u muzejima, savremeni pristupi / Beograd, Srbija, 2008.
About tangible and intangible heritage // An international seminar on Tangible and Intangible Heritage for a Real World / Helsinki, Finska, 2008.
The Art of Memory Communication // Leiden University, Faculty of Creative and Performing Arts / Leiden, Nizozemska, 2006.
Filosofia y tiplogia de los museos locales // Museos locales - naturaleza y perspectivas / Granada, Španjolska, 2006.
The return, or the three faces of Europe // Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges/ Krakov, Poljska, 2006.
Marketing baštine // UNESCO (ROSTE) & British Council Montenegro - Role of the Media in the Protection and the Promotion of Cultural and Natural Heritage / Podgorica, Crna Gora, 2005.
What Theory? What Heritage? What Future? - or how can theory help the future happen // Museumshøjskolen - Fremtidens museer / Kopenhagen, Danska, 2005
Can theory of Heritage help peace? // V. Congresso Internacional de Museos de la Paz / Gernika-Lumo, Španjolska, 2005.
Mare nostrum - baštinski interpretacijski centar // II. međunarodna konferencija o industrijskoj baštini: Rijeka - grad na vodi i moru / Rijeka, Hrvatska, 2005.
Heritage Marketing - case study: museums // Dynamic and Professional Educational Centres for Effective Cultural Management / Dvorec Trebnik - Slovenske Konjice, Slovenija, 2005.
Heritologija ili opća teorija baštine // 8. seminar ARHIVI, KNJIŽNICE, MUZEJI. / Poreč, Hrvatska, 2004.
Using the Art Museum as a Bridge to the Future // Building the Future, Museum at/as a crossroads / Tallin, Estonija, 2004
Dediščina in kibernetika - primer Slovenianum // Mala šola muzeologije 2004. / Celje i Ptuj, Slovenija, 2004.
Improving the Museum Product // ICOM Three conferences - CIMUSET, ICTOP, MPR / Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2003.
Heritology as a general theory of Heritage & The Cybernetic Museum // Museumshøjskolens museologiske forelæ / Kopenhagen, Danska, 2003.
Smisel in vsebina razstav o dediščini ali izdelek kot vpliv // Mala šola muzeologije 2003 / Celje : Regijsko študijsko središče Celje, 2003.
Opća teorija baštine.//Simpozij Konzervatorskog zavoda Hrvatske i Slovenskog etnološkog društva. Paklenica, 2001.
The new profession of care and communication of heritage.// Simpozij katalnoskog društva muzeologa, Generalna konferencija ICOM-a. Barcelona, 2001.
A contribution to understanding of museums: or why would museums count? //Referat na 7 mediteranskoj etnološkoj ljetnoj školi (MESS), 18-25 rujna. Piran, Slovenija
Prilog reformi nacionalnih muzeja. Goethe Institut, Zagreb, 2001.
Baštinske ustanove na razmedju – ili, gdje je granica izmedju pravog muzeja i njegove zabavljačke inačice”// seminar “Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji ‘98”, organized by the National and University library, Zagreb. Poreč, 1998.
The innovation of ecomuseums// international symposium, Musei per l’ambiente, Argenta, Italija, 1998.
Community, the basic element of territorial museums.//Gost predavač, 2. Katalanskog kongresa lokalnih i regionalnih muzeja. Arbucies, 1998.
The role of Museums in Sustaining Diversity. Referat na medjunarodnoj konferenciji, "Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe". Belfast, 1997.
The kiss of Mnemosyne.// Referat na simpoziju ICOFOM-a, "Museology and Memory" (Međunarodni savjet muzeja, Komitet za muzeologiju/Unesco). Paris.
Can Theory Bring the Professional Prosperity?// International Conference "Museology Towards the 21st Century".Thessaloniki, 1997.
To collect or not that is the question.// Referat na medjunarodnom simpoziju "Carry on Collecting", University of Leicester, Department of Museum Studies. Leicester, 1996.
The Future of Museums // International Symposium "Museology for Tomorrow's World", Masaryk University. Brno, 1996.
How Museology Perceives Technology// na medjunarodnom seminaru Evropske zajednice (Comett Programme) "Information Technology and Heritage - The Future for Europe's Past". Swansea, 1995.
Barcelona (same programme as in Swansea /isti program kao u Swansea), 1995.
Observers or Partakers - Building up a New Profession// 4.World Congress of Heritage Interpretation International (HII): sense of identity, sense of place - New Challenges for Cultural and Natural Heritage, Barcelona, 1995.
Tourist Development and Conservation of Cultural resources// European Meeting on Culture, Leisure and Tourism, Ministry of Culture. Madrid/Guadalupe, 1995. (moderating one of the sessions / moderator sesije; text has been published /tekst naknadno publiciran)
Beyond the sharing of Knowledge - an introduction to quality in museums// Joint Annual Conference "Sharing Knowledge" Canadian Museums Association & Societe des Musees Québécois. Montreal, 1995.
Historiska Museet i Nordiska Museet// Prilog na trodnevnom međunarodnom seminaru deset pozvanih eksperata sa zadatkom vrednovanja nacionalnog projekta/izložbe "The Quest for Swedish History". Stockholm, 1994.
Museum Communication and CECA - European Perspectives //Regionalna konferencija za Evropu Medjunarodnog komiteta za obrazovanje i kulturnu akciju (CECA/ICOM): EUROPEAN MUSEUM COMMUNICATION. Bruxelles, 1993.
Community museums and beyond //16. Generalna konferencija ICOM-a; simpozij Medjunarodnog komiteta za regionalne muzeje (ICR/ICOM): REGIONALISM AND MUSEUMS. Quebec,1992.
The Role of New Museology in Community - the Prologue to the Cybernetic Museum// Centro Europeu del Patrimonio Cultural. Međunarodni simpozij: PROGRES I CONSERVACIO - ECONOMIA DEL PATRIMONI/ DESENVOLUPAMENT CULTURAL SOSTENGU. Barcelona,1992.
The role of museums in the society //Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Medjunarodnog komiteta za obrazovanje i kulturnu akciju (CECA/ICOM): THE ROLE OF MUSEUMS IN THE SOCIET. Jerusalem, 1991.
Museums in the contemporary society - a six possible questions of an interested layman.// Okrugli stol, Ajuntament de Sabadel: LA CULTURA A REFLEXIO. Sabadel, 1990.
Science and technology museums - the new theory and communication technologies within the context of the European idea. // 8. kolokvij AMCSTI. Strasbourg, 1990.
Museums and Curatorship - the Place of Theory.//International conference, University of Leicester, Katerdra za muzeologiju: BREAKING NEW GROUND. Leicester, 1990.
Museums and their future //15. Generalna konferencija ICOM-a. Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Medjunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM): MUSEOLOGY AND FUTUROLOG. Haag, 1989.
Museum Curators - the Endangered Species //Medjunarodna konferencija u povodu 100. obljetnice postojanja Museums Association: MUSEUMS 2000. London, 1989.
Museum Concept - Definitions and Revisions Fuglso Centret, Danska// Godišnja konferencija Danskog društva muzeja kulturne povijesti. Fuglso, 1989.
The Limited Reach of Museology // Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Medjunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM): MUSEOLOGY AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - HELP OR MANIPULATION?. Hyderabad, 1988.
What is Museology ?// Umea University, Sweden. Medjunarodni simpozij, Katedra za muzeologiju: What is Museology ?. Umea, 1988.
National Museum Documentation Centres – Corner Stones of International Network.// Riksutstalningar, Međunarodni seminar: NATIONAL MUSEUM DOCUMENTATION CENTRES - CORNER STONES OF INTERNATIONAL NETWORK. Stockholm, 1987.
From Education to Communication // Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Medjunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM). Paris, 1987.
Museology and Identity //l4. Generalna konferencija ICOM-a, Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Medjunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM): MUSEOLOGY AND IDENTIT. Buenos Aires, 1986.
Education in Museums - Museums and Identity // Međuregionalni Unesco-v seminar: MUSEUMS AND EDUCATION. Guadalajara, 1986.
The Nature of Museum Object // Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Međunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM): ORIGINALS AND SUBSTITUTES IN MUSEUMS. Zagreb, 1985.
Collecting Today for Tomorrow // Godišnja konferencija i simpozij Međunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM): COLLECTING TODAY FOR TOMORROW. Leiden, 1984.
Museum, Territory, Society //14. Generalna konferencija ICOM-a. Godišnja konferencija Medjunarodnog komiteta za muzeologiju (ICOM/ICOM): MUSEUM, TERRITORY, SOCIETY. London, 1983.
A Contribution to a Possible Definition of Museology // Godišnja konferencija i simpozij komiteta za Muzeologiju (ICOFOM/ICOM): SYSTEMATICS AND METHODOLOGY OF MUSEOLOGY. Paris, 1982.
Muzej kao potreba čovjeka i društva // IX Kongres SDMRJ. Jajce, 1979.
Invited lectures and seminars (only marked ones have been published)
Centar Georges Pompidou u Parizu. Galerija Koprivnica. Koprivnica, 1980.
Što je muzej danas? Gdje je njegovo mjesto u društvu? Muzej grada Zagreba, 1981.
The object of Museology. Reinwardt Academy. Leiden, 1984.
The Future of Museums and the Role of Museology. Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, International Summer School of Museology (ISSOM-Unesco). Brno, 1988.
Museums in the context of Cultural and Social Evolution. Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, International Summer Schoolof Museology (ISSOM, Unesco). Brno, 1989.
The role of museums in contemporary society. Tecla Sala, Centro Cultural. Barcelona, 1990.
Museology and Beyond it. Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, International Summer School of Museology (ISSOM-Unesco). Brno, 1990.
Musee, Communication, Public. Summer school of scientific and technical Museology /Ljetna škola znanstvene i tehničke muzeologije, Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije: Les Publics et les Musees de Sciences et de Techniques; key-note lecture, Dinard, 1993.
Three lectires at International summer school of Museology (ISSOM, Unesco). Brno, 1996.
Muzeji v današnjem času (na slovenskom jeziku), Posavski muzej. Brežice, 1997.
Kako naredit dobar muzej? Pokrajinski muzej Maribor. Maribor, 2000.
Stalni postavi muzeja. Slovenski Etnografski muzej. Ljubljana, 2001.
Hrvatski identitet za strategiju razvoja // 8. skup turističkih djelatnika Hrvatske / Zadar, Hrvatska, 2004.
Heritološki aspekti starog grada Dubovca // Za stari grad Dubovac - heritološki i turistički potencijali starog grada Dubovca / Karlovac, Hrvatska, 2005.
Baština i kultura - nova formula poslovnog uspjeha // Histria 2005 / Pula, Hrvatska, 2005.
Kneževa Palača...jučer - danas - sutra // Matica zadrana 2005 / Zadar, Hrvatska, 2005.
Važnost inovacije i kvalitete proizvoda // Hrvatski turistički forum 2006; Bol, Hrvatska 2006.
Arhivska groznica - okrugli stol //Arhivska groznica - okrugli stol / Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2006.
Baštinom do blagostanja // Biseri zadarske županije / Zadar, Hrvatska, 2006.
'''Personally held seminars and individual lectures'''
Role of Museums in Developing Countries. Memorijalno predavanje Jawaharlal Nehru, Bharat Kala Bhavan Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 1988.
Sadašnjost i budućnost muzeja. Muzeoforum, Zveza muzejev Slovenije. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 1991.
Obrazovanje u muzejima. Muzeoforum, Zveza muzejev Slovenije. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 1992.
From Art Museums to Art Centres. Seminar za muzejske radnike, Alvar Aaltomuseo, uvodno predavanje. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1993.
University of Turku, Jyvaskyla ; University of Jyvaskyla, Helsinki, University of Helsinki. Turku, 1993. (11 hours of lacturing, five museological themes /11 sati predavanja na 5 muzeoloških tema);
Muzejska struka danas i sutra. Pokrajinski muzej, Novo Mesto, Slovenija, 1993.
Rethinking museums. Stockholm University, Chair of Anthropology, Stockholm, 1994.
University of Barcelona, cyclus of the hours of teaching, Post-graduate study of Museology, Barcelona, Spain, 1996.
Na putu k mudrosti – razmatranje o kraju muzejskog doba. Slovensko muzejsko društvo/Zveza muzejev Slovenije - Museoforum. Ljubljana, 1998.
The trends in the museums today. Muzej Anatolskih Civilizacija. Ankara, 1999.
The End of Museum Era. Institut Catala de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural, Girona, Spain, 2009.
The Eighth Art - public memory communication. Croartscia international symposium, Zagreb, 08.05.2013.
Can theory professionalize Museums? Key note lecture at INTERMUSEA, Moscow, Russia, 01.06.2013.
The Honest Museum. EMYA/EMF Conference, Tallin, Estonia, 2014.
Museums and Innovation. Museums and Innovations, ICOM-ICME Conference, Zagreb, 2014
Public memory, objects, theory, mission. Physical object in Museums -
Everyday Life or Past, Jurmala, 6. Nov., Latvia, 2014.
Museums and Social Commitment. La funcio dels museus en localitas menudes.Valencia, 2015